The film opens with Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha watching a film starring Yukie Fujikaze, in a local cinema. Kakashi Hatake has summoned them to watch it as preparation for their next mission: to prevent Yukie, who plays Princess Gale in the films, from being captured during production of her latest film. Yukie is later revealed to be Koyuki Kazahana, a princess from an island known as the Land of Snow. Doto Kazahana, who is revealed to be Koyuki’s uncle, was responsible for the murder of her father Sosetsu in a coup d’etat. During the shooting of the film, Kazahana’s henchmen, wearing Chakra armor, attempt to capture the princess, but Team 7 manages to delay the princess from being captured.
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