The animated series takes place in a futuristic universe. Many species throughout the galaxies are all excited for one thing: racing. This racing trend is what everyone knows it as, Scan2Go. This racing activity involves the use of miniature automated toy cars in which the cars race automatically, gunning for 1st place. The cars are powered by a cards which gives them the power to race and as well as turbo boosts. Scan2Go is a one-lap sprint races on huge tracks where speed and tactics is the key to winning. Racers will face many obstacles on the track, which can be dangerous or very tricky. Races can be done in teams or free-for-all, depending on the rules.The story focuses on a young man named Kazuya 'Kaz' Gordon and his team called "Team Jet." Starting his Scan2Go career from Earth, during which humans aren't fond of the Scan2Go trend yet, he embarks on a journey to become the greatest Scan2Go racer ever. Kaz is only in it to become the best racer in the universe. But he also discover new friends along his way to glory.
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